Artist Highlight

Ottawa, Canada
Seen separately, you'd be forgiven for not recognizing different artworks by Michael George Haddad as being created by the same person. But viewed collectively, there are several common threads between his pieces. Intention. Bold lines. Careful framing. Shapes and icons. Powerful symbolism. There's a sense of economy, where no curve or stippled shadow exists without careful deliberation. These factors make Michael's work feel like they'd be equally at home in an arcane religious text as they would in a magazine from the future.
Michael George Haddad is based in Ottawa, Canada. His art can be found in numerous prestigious publications, such as the New York Times, WIRED, Fortune,and The MIT Technology Review. He has created works for The Standard Hotel in New York City, and he is very involved with his home, having worked with Ottawa Magazine, the Ottawa Explosion Weekend punk festival, and the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.