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Vol. 092: Dimensional Tilt

VM Club "Mixtape": April 2023

Silver Bulb Winner (DSVC 55th Annual)
From $ 34.00
Music Vibe / Genre
  • Fun(ky) 🛼🕺
  • (Let's) Dance 🥳💃
  • Rock-ish 🤘🎸
  • Electro(nic) ⚡🤖
Special Features
  • Deluxe Gatefold Jacket with seamless 3D artwork
  • 3D Glasses 
  • Red and Blue Vinyl // Red and Blue Vinyl with White Splatter
  • Original AR digital experience: VIEW HERE
  • Lyrics & art booklet 
  • Intro letter from Brandon

Silver Bulb Winner (DSVC 55th Annual)


A1: Alexander IV - "That Blew My Mind"
A2: Adam Halferty - "Keep It Real"
A3: Dewey Parker - "Banana Jam"
A4: The Heart Of The Sun - "Probably Not"
A5: Konchord - "Spring Snowflake"

B1: Gårdon - "Coda Presto”
B2: John Alone - "Omolola (Anita)"
B3: Odaiba - "Superfunk"
B4: Temple Davis - "Reset"
B5: Shafkkat - "Pick me Up"


Visual Artist for Vol. 092: Dimensional Tilt

Brad Albright

Dallas, Texas.

I sometimes describe art as leaping off the page, but never has it been so apt as with the work of Brad Albright. Brad applies a line-art style heavily inspired from pop culture and classical woodcut engravings to a highly specialized 3D technique that Brad developed himself. So yes, the art leaps, bounces, crawls, jumps, launches, crawls, and rolls off the page. In fact, it does all of those things on this month’s volume. Put on those red & blue specs and get ready for lift-off.

Beyond Brad Albright’s mastery of ‘OldSchool 3D’, he is also an expert at woodcut engravings, translating his characters and other beloved characters from pop-culture to multi-tiered carvings. His list of commissions is extensive. His art has graced merch, posters, woodcarvings and more for clients like Live Nation, Marc Maron, Dunable Guitars, Les Claypool, and the Dallas Mavericks. Brad is based in Dallas, where you can frequently find his work in local galleries, festivals, and shows. He also plays a mean bass.