Join the Voyage

An Out-of-this-World Music + Art Experience.

On Vinyl.

Which vinyl adventure is right for you?

Standard Membership


Each Monthly Box

Select Standard

Our Monthly Deluxe Vinyl Mixtape

Beautiful Colored Vinyl

Original Album Art (with Deluxe Surprises)

A Lyrics Booklet with Band & Artist Info

Member Access to Exclusive Vinyl Releases

10% off ALL Products in The Shop

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Join AnnualJoin Annual
Most Popular

VIP Membership


Each Monthly Box

Select VIP

Everything in "Standard" Membership PLUS...

VIP Multi-Colored Pressing of Monthly Vinyl

Vinyl Moon VIP Challenge Coin & Pouch

Early VIP Access to Exclusive Vinyl Releases

15% off ALL Products in The Shop

Join 3 MonthJoin 3 MonthJoin 3 Month

Every Monthly VM Shipment Includes

Our Newest Deluxe Vinyl Mixtape

Original Record Art (with Deluxe Surprises)

A Lyrics Booklet with Band Info

Perks & Exclusive Discounts in our Shop

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Why Vinyl Moon?

Your satisfaction is literally guaranteed.

Each monthly release is a full LP “mixtape” of 10 songs from stellar emerging artists from around the globe. 

Take a Spin

Explore Past Records

Vol. 112: Magic Fronds
Vol. 112: Magic Fronds
Vol. 112: Magic Fronds
Vol. 112: Magic Fronds
Vol. 112: Magic Fronds
Vol. 112: Magic Fronds

Vol. 112: Magic Fronds

$ 34.00
Vol. 111: Facade Arcade
Vol. 111: Facade Arcade
Vol. 111: Facade Arcade
Vol. 111: Facade Arcade
Vol. 111: Facade Arcade
Vol. 111: Facade Arcade

Vol. 111: Facade Arcade

$ 34.00
Vol. 110: A Way From Home
Vol. 110: A Way From Home
Vol. 110: A Way From Home
Vol. 110: A Way From Home
Vol. 110: A Way From Home

Vol. 110: A Way From Home

$ 34.00
Vol. 109: Blink and You'll Bliss It
Vol. 109: Blink and You'll Bliss It
Vol. 109: Blink and You'll Bliss It
Vol. 109: Blink and You'll Bliss It
Vol. 109: Blink and You'll Bliss It
Vol. 109: Blink and You'll Bliss It
Vol. 109: Blink and You'll Bliss It

Vol. 109: Blink and You'll Bliss It

$ 34.00
Our Fans
On Earth

How the Club Works

We Curate the Songs We Love and Press Them onto Ultra-Deluxe Vinyl

Our founder, music curator and art director, Brandon Bogajewicz searches the globe for the best new music from emerging artists. He then creates mixes of his favorite songs & moods to press onto beautiful colored vinyl. Each release is a diverse mixtape guaranteed to introduce you to stellar new music.

A Visual Artist Designs the Deluxe Record Jacket + Special Features

Each release, we work with a different visual artist to design a unique and interactive record jacket inspired by the music. The artists create original pieces that visually tell the story of the record to give you a fully immersive vinyl experience (with special features and occasional Easter eggs). 

You Get the Planet’s Most Unique Vinyl Experience, Delivered Monthly

Every month we send you a new, ultra-deluxe vinyl record pressed with the best new music onto mind-expanding colored vinyl. Each Vinyl Moon record is an out-of-this-world experience curated to take you on an adventure of sights and sounds. Explore the collection. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes Vinyl Moon different from other vinyl subscriptions?

Vinyl Moon offers a totally unique way of discovering new music. Every month, we take 10 of our favorite new songs by up-and-coming artists and press them on gorgeous colored vinyl. As a crucial part of the experience, we also work with a different visual artist each month to create exclusive artwork and deluxe packaging. The result: records that look & sound beautiful that you can’t get anywhere else.

How do you choose the music & visual artists for Vinyl Moon?

Each month’s music is carefully curated by our team to bring you the best new artists we’ve heard from all over the world. Much of it is featured on our sister blog, The Burning Ear. While we don’t ascribe to any specific genre – meaning you can expect a wide range of great music – we tend to lean towards indie rock & electronic.

What comes with a Vinyl Moon membership?

You receive the latest volume of Vinyl Moon each month. Active members receive a member discount on all orders from our Shop, where you can buy past volumes of Vinyl Moon, alumni records, turntable accessories, and merch. Members also enjoy bundled shipping discounts, early access to exclusive pressings & variants and more.

What if I don't like my first record?

If you don't love your first record from Vinyl Moon, simply contact us at support(at) and we will swap it out for a different record or give you a full refund - no questions asked.