Artist Highlight

Bailey Crouch

St. Louis, MO.

Bailey's artwork conveys the feelings of delight and nostalgia that you might expect from a children's toy chest. This comparison is somewhat literal, as her art sometimes features items like Rubik's cubes, Trolls, and Tamagotchis - but the emotional impact comes from the imagination it takes to combine all these different things into a single play session in the same way that kids will place Mr. Bunbun and a Cabbage Patch doll at the same tea table without batting an eye. Bailey's skill and maturity as an artist comes through in her ability to compose maximalist scenes in way that never feels overwhelming, instead guiding the eye from element to element, having each character and object balance perfectly with the negative space around it, and giving the viewer the joy of crafting their own experience of the illustration.

Bailey's artwork has been featured by publications like Food & Wine Magazine, Bloomberg Businessweek, Adweek, and more. Her art has graced the front of wine labels, posters, and pet food brands, with additional projects in typeface design and animation. She's based in St. Louis, Missouri, where she can be found hanging out with her cat, Mushroom.