Visual Artist for Vol. 080: The Hard Way Home
Redruth, Cornwall
The art of Seb Westcott has a tangible feel, like the pages of a favorite
children’s book. The way Seb differentiates the textures he uses for each
of the figures in his work leans into that printlike quality. These little
details and the way he imbues his work with humor give the viewer plenty to
explore in his scenes. Whether he’s focused on a main subject, like a
racoon sporting headphones, or a full city block’s worth of hustle and
bustle, Seb’s art creates worlds that you want to play in. We hope we
delivered on that promise in this month’s volume.
A graduate of Falmouth University, Seb Westcott is based in Cornwall, and
has worked with organizations such as The Costa Foundation, Politico EU,
and The Skinny, with features in Vice, Creative Boom, and Illustrated
Tapes. He is no stranger to the combination of visual art and music, as his
art has been featured numerous times on label compilations and tour
posters. Seb is currently apprenticing as a tattoo artist, so start picking
your favorite pieces of his to fi ll in your sleeve.